OK Cupid Dating Site: Racial Data Mining

Not a lot of time today so I will just pass along the hilarious and resoundingly apt seeming analysis of dating profiles on OK Cupid.  They are constantly breaking down their profiles by race, gender, etc and analyzing the results.  It’s an HBD Goldmine.  Don’t forget to click on the male/female icons atop the tag clouds to see that males and females have mutually incompatible brains.  That a woman seeking an LTR would list Eat, Pray, Love as something she likes is astonishing, the only male equivalent I can imagine is listing “bi-racial cuckold porn” as one of your interests.

Enjoy and Happy New Year to any fellow jewy jewy jew jews.

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19 Responses to OK Cupid Dating Site: Racial Data Mining

  1. Justin says:

    Clearly, we can now take it as proven beyond all reasonable doubt, that all stereotypes are TRUE.

  2. Bhetti says:

    Middle Eastern = mostly jews?

  3. 10stds says:

    Eat Pray Love was good as a travelogue film so I wouldn’t fault anyone for liking it. Bali is next on my list. Absolutely stunning. I’ve already done Italy and India.

    If anyone wants to know about United Colors of Benetton Dating, just ask me. I’ve dated from every continent. Oh the stories……………..

  4. dana says:

    10stds are you fucking kidding? its about a woman who leaves her blameless husband because she is bored. he should be allowed to kill her. the only thing i want to know about other continents is how fast the people in them die when we bombard them with bombs that open up and rain molten copper on them.

  5. 10stds says:

    “the only thing i want to know about other continents is how fast the people in them die when we drop bombard them with bombs that open up and rain molten copper on them.”

    Bitter much?

    ed–your characterization of someone who wants to utterly destroy their enemies in war is that they are “bitter”? do you think i am mad at other countries because i went on a date with them and they didn’t call me?

    you know, when i said “women’s comments are interesting” on that other thread it wasn’t a compliment.

    your comments to date have been risibly and neurotypically female–i’m not some guy trying to bang you or one of your kids so take your content-free shaming language elsewhere.

  6. the only thing i want to know about other continents

    In contrast, I merely want to know how their roads and trains are better than ours.

  7. sestamibi says:

    Aha! Dana, I was wondering when you were going to come out of the closet and own up to being a fellow member of The Tribe!

    Love your blog, your premise and the way you present it. L’shana tova 5771!

    • dana says:

      Heya, l’shana tovah tikatayvu–but i done been out the closet as a jewy jew jew over at roissy since the Great Obsidian Wars epoch of the comments section–i presumed everyone from there knew

      • sestamibi says:

        I read roissy/Citizen Renegade all the time, but don’t always have time to plow through 300 comments per entry, so I must have missed that. I think these sites have a larger landssman following than they would admit, since Jews are so adversely affected by feminism–and our reproductive rates reflect that.

      • SFG says:

        For me, it’s about the NAMs. I grew up in pre-Giuliani NYC, and all this stuff about the civil rights movement history and Schwerner and Goodwin seems pretty alien to me. I remember who was going to mug me.

  8. I was wondering when you were going to come out of the closet

    It’s obvious. She’s bitter, harsh, abrasive, believes in HBD, and doesn’t have much in the way of amicable feelings about blacks. 🙂

  9. dream puppy says:

    Dana are you for open borders then? If not then you don’t quite fit that stereotype. Happy new year!

    • dana says:

      i am for sealing the border, deporting all illegals banning and deporting muslims. i think they should have deported all communists in the 20s-50s even if it had a disparate impact on jews. i have no interest in the interests of jews, im an american and white as far as im concerned. im as jewish as an irish guy in mayfair is irish because he celebrates st pattys day

  10. gunslingergregi says:

    Dana that job seems cool.

    Dealing with numbers greater than 60k lines would be cool.

  11. unfrozencaveman says:

    “your characterization of someone who wants to utterly destroy their enemies in war…”

    Who are these enemies you speak of?

  12. Priyanka says:

    We are not at war with India, Italy and Bali, Dana dear.

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