Where a Commenter Asks “What About the Jews?” and I Respond “Who Cares About the &#$%& Jews Already”

In the post  Why the Tea Party Candidate Gains in the Primaries Tell Us NOTHING About the Coming Election I briefly touched on my belief the US will break up into several different countries at some point in the near future, one of which will be a Whitopia.  A commenter responded “What is “white”? Are Jews white? Are Roma white? What if one great-grandsomething was black?”.  Do you understand the magnitude of this oddball perception of the universe? I casually mention the impending BREAKUP of the US and the ONLY thing this respondent can think of is “how will it effect the Jews?”

Oh. My. God.  Stop.  WHO CARES about tiny little outliers? Why is this obsession with how every little move we make effects some outlier stifling the West’s ability to function?  If 1,000,000 Jews ever want to do something do they EVER once stop to ask “hey, how will this effect the remaining Kwakiutl Indians of the Pacific Northwest?” no, they don’t, let alone do they ever ask how it will effect the MAJORITY population of the US. 

The US Military is becoming paralyzed over whether a miniscule number of homosexuals can openly serve, California is set to force the whole rest of the US to recognize 5 gay marriages as if that’s the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD.  10000 Christian students can’t have a moment of silent prayer in a school classroom because a Jew is there and now we have to tolerate the presence of victory mosques on what MOST people believe is hallowed ground in NYC whether YOU think it is or not, you chortling, smug, lefty academic who is so much better than the icky icky proles who care about the mosque issue that they make your delicate skin crawl.

At least with Jews this tendency was understandable at a certain point in history, before the advent of Israel.  UNDERSTANDABLE, mind you–not RIGHT.  Since they were always a minority in someone else’s country the worry that countries policies would negatively effect them and they would have absolutely no recourse was paramount.  I have a message for my fellow Jews though, WE HAVE A COUNTRY NOW! Remember?  That whole Israel thing?  You don’t like what’s happening to Jews here?  Don’t let the door hit you on the ass as you board El Al–sing a verse of Hatikva for me.  Don’t get me wrong, I love being Jewish, its neat.  I love the songs, the history, the languages, some of the less repellent food, the sense of self-satisfied superiority we pretend no one else can perceive and discuss secretly among ourselves–it’s great!  But I am an AMERICAN and care about AMERICA and what ITS people thinks they want and need, irrespective of my interest as a Jew.  The day I care more about the Jews than the whole of the Us I’ll be out of here so fast I’ll leave a cloud of dust and hairpins in the air like Witchypoo in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

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35 Responses to Where a Commenter Asks “What About the Jews?” and I Respond “Who Cares About the &#$%& Jews Already”

  1. Gorbachev says:


    I really like you,

  2. Gorbachev says:



    This was wonderfully offensive and charming in the best possible way.

    More please.

  3. Britney says:

    Well put! Enjoyed as usual.

  4. yo momma says:

    darling, i’m “kvelling”

  5. Laura says:

    I liked this. This is how I feel about the country also.

  6. Laura says:

    WASPs have a bit of a superiority complex also.

  7. B Lode says:

    The Whitopia link is interesting, but I don’t really agree with it. White areas need to be larger than counties to be safe. Preferably with their own national guards, if not complete armed forces.

  8. dana says:


    EVERYONE feel superior about their own traditional ethne–its the most natural thing in the world. the kung bushmen refer to themselves as “the human beings” and all other people as “the animals” and they are barely human themselves

  9. Gorbachev says:

    WASPs have a bit of a superiority complex also.

    Just a little bit.

  10. fail says:

    The US will not divide itself into tiny countries. In fact, Mexico, Canada and the US will form the NORTH AMERICAN UNION within my lifetime, but the regions and states will not be divided into countries, like Europe. We are going to become fused. Just you wait and see.

    Anyone younger than 45 will live to see it.

    Mark my words.

    • roofer says:

      I’m very impressed at the spin here: from my question “what is white?” comes this essay wherein the writer answers a question I didnt ask–to wit: How will the break-up of the US affect minority groups? And it’s an interesting answer, as always: but don’t pin it to me. My point was that by the time the country does break up, there will be a minority of what we now call whites.

      • dana says:

        “What is “white”? Are Jews white? Are Roma white? What if one great-grandsomething was black?”. this is a direct quote of what you said. please show me how this can be interpreted to mean “by the time the country breaks up there will be a minority of what we call whites”? whites may become a “minority” in the entire geographical region we call the US but where will they be CONCENTRATED and in what numbers? Map of US Ancestries <~~~ look, its obvious, a hispanic country, a midwestern white country, a black and "redneck" South and a new england that probably tries to join canada.

        i did answer your point on the other thread. jews and "roma" (lol) will be "white" if the WHITE people say they are and allow them in–it will be up to the people who form the newly minted entities do determine what their population is. also, roofer, people cant read your mind–if you had a great deal more of a response to the essay and only CHOSE to write about the "what is white?" issue than guess what, that looks like the only thing you cared about

    • Gorbachev says:

      Not gonna happen. Canada will be hog-tied before it joins the US; it gets more and more left (in some ways) and the US gets more and more right. We started off the same, but I’ve had this shown to me: Canada is going its own path, and is happy that way. I work with a lot of Canadians nowadays, and one thing they’re not is Americans, let me tell you.

      If anything, the young are less and less Americans and more and more something else. Lots of Canucks tell me this: As their old country died, something new replaced it, and it’s even less American than their old country.

  11. dana says:

    and theyll all be geographically isolated together in the midwest and new england which are 98-99% white right now and getting whiter every day–theres your white country

  12. PA says:

    The more I weigh or advance melodramatic predictions of how the US will transform, the more I’m nagged by a suspicion: what if nothing really major changes in the US over the next 100 years… things more or less stay the same, with this being a majority-Anglo demographic and culture, and people generally self-segregating and being polite to each other when they must suffer each others’ presence.

  13. Gorbachev says:


    The more I weigh or advance melodramatic predictions of how the US will transform, the more I’m nagged by a suspicion: what if nothing really major changes in the US over the next 100 years… things more or less stay the same, with this being a majority-Anglo demographic and culture, and people generally self-segregating and being polite to each other when they must suffer each others’ presence.

    PA is correct. I second this.

    This is what’s going to happen.

    Except that the lower classes will start to breed with each other, and the upper classes will start to breed with each other, and racial boundaries are going to get awfully blurred.

    But we’re going into a quasi-feudal mode. Like China or India.

    Just watch.

  14. fail says:

    Nope, there won’t be feudalism. I’m telling you, we will get more and more streamlines over time. The entire world will. It’s due to technology, which I think in the long wrong will be a great thing. Borders will be blurred in the sense of EU, NAU, SAU (South Asian Union), SEAU (South East Asian Union), etc. Eventually there will be a lot less fighting and war as areas of the world go the “union route” and peoples lives are improved via technological advances.

    Extremely backward places like Afghanistan for example will be absorbed into a larger, more advanced “union” and will reap the benefits as well.

    Extremism of any kind in general and Islamic extremism in particular will fade away as people reap the benefits of technology in a globalized world.

    Slowly but surely we are making our way to this reality. There will be mishaps along the way but my prediction for the planet is that within 2 centuries it’s going to be much better off than it is now.

    Yes, I’m an optimist.

  15. PA says:

    Professor Fukuyama, 1990 called. It says history’s not going anywhere.

  16. mike says:

    “my prediction for the planet is that within 2 centuries it’s going to be much better off than it is now”

    How bold!

  17. chortling, smug, lefty academic says:

    Since the blogger seems incapable of answering your question, dear roofer, I will. In the American WASP imagination, Jews are not whites, and as much as they aspire to be white (even to the point of imagining in a splintered America that they would be welcomed in Whitopia–which is one of the most stupid ideas I have ever read), they will not be white as WASPs have come to conceptualize the ideal. If this blogger’s idea of a splintered America does come to pass, she will have no choice but to head to Israel. Don’t let the door hit you on the ass as you board El Al–sing a verse of Hatikva for me!

    • roofer says:

      Such a tempest in a teapot! I believe you see my point: that ‘white’ is not easily defined. I’m done for now. Good to know that lefty academics still chortle, albeit smugly.

  18. dana says:

    please point out specifically where i said jews would be welcome in whitopia? if jews are not, i will leave, the end. what exactly was your point? i was talking about jews NOW who continue to try to force countries in which they are minorities to accomodate them

  19. dana says:

    oh, and “WASPS”? lol is it still the eisenhower era? yes to the baby boomer academic is it ALWAYS 1957! the majority of whites in US are of german extraction, keep tilting at those windmills

  20. Laura says:

    I grew up in a white, anglo saxon, protestant family and I was always taught respect for Jews. I’m not jewish and I don’t feel jewish, but I generally respect them.

  21. fail says:

    “my prediction for the planet is that within 2 centuries it’s going to be much better off than it is now”

    How bold!


    LOL. Isn’t it? While 200 years *seems* a long time, it’s really just 3-4 generations away.

  22. maurice says:

    Well if things get too bad for the Chosen People here, there’s always that trailer/teaser at the end of “History of the World Part I”: Jews In Space!!

  23. IHTG says:

    which I think in the long wrong will be a great thing

    Freudian slip?

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  26. Doug1 says:

    “White” in the US means of European racial/ethnic heritage, or very largely so, going way back. The only race we have a “one drop rule”, now way more pressed by blacks than whites, is with blacks. It doesn’t apply to white/Amerindian mixes for example, where if the preponderance of the ancestry and the cultural identification is white, the person is considered white.

    Ashkenazi Jews are white because of how long they were in Europe, what much of their cultural identification is in America, and because genetic evidence indicates that there’s a very substantial early European admixture to the originally all semitic people from the middle east, about all on the female side.

    Roma aren’t because they’re clearly of S. Asian Indian origin, probably tribal Indian origin (which means much less Caucasian blood), and among those identifying as Roma or Gypsies, marry almost entirely endogamously. They’re culturally very seperate from the European host societies. (It’s accurate to say they have a culture of parasitism, theft, larceny, begging, prostitution, fortune telling and music. Yeah many are pretty good musically. Few greats, Django Reinhard aside, but many journeymen.

    Arabs and Persians are Caucasians but they aren’t whites – partly because of Islam. A secular or Zorastrian Persian who socially mingled extensively with whites and would consider marrying or cohabitating with one would pretty much become a white in my view. Armenians pretty much are, since they’re Christians and adopt white culture quite thoroughly, keeping their own ethnic identity to a degree as other whites do.

  27. Dream Puppy says:

    Good post. I must say then you must have a bone to pick with your own people for introducing us to the joys of open immigration and diversity. Your views are in the minority, I am afraid (as are mine, I could care less about being ‘hispanic’ besides the fact that I’m a super good dancer and have excess body hair).

    I must say America is tearing me up right now. I fiercely love it, but it is becoming a country where I don’t want to raise children.

  28. Jennifer says:

    Dana, can you give a link proving that there was actually a plan to put a mosque on 9/11 ground? Because I’ve been slammed by both liberals and an insulent Muslim who claimed that no, it was a community center and actually a few blocks away.

    • dana says:

      it was called the ground zero mosque but t was always reported to be about 2 blocks away–all muslims should have been immediately deported from the US after 9/11 including converts and black muslims and wholly barred from entry–i dont care how close it was to ground zero, it was in the US, iit was too close

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